In what is already becoming an established tradition, the International Human Rights day of December 2013 did not pass unnoticed and last December Soteria International co-hosted a new conference in Copenhagen, this time on the topic of freedom of conscience, entitled “Freedom of conscience and belief at a crossroads in Europe - self-determination and spiritual teachings”.
The sixth edition of Spiritual Human Rights Conferences was the first one to be co-organized with partner institutions, namely the following: Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience (CAP), European Interreligious Forum for Religious Freedom (EIFRF), European Muslim Initiative for Social Cohesion (EMISCO), Dansk Interreligiøst Forum (DIF) and Youth for Human Rights (UFMR, Denmark).
During this event, Soteria International and its parteners tried to shed some light on the subject of “mental manipulation” and dedicated time to discuss in depth this controversial topic of legislation and its effect on the rights of self-determination, freedom of conscience and belief. The conference also attempted to come with certain viable solutions to the problem and to discuss an alternative plan to any unconstitutional legislation and any form of discrimination and also encourage acceptance of religious and spiritual diversity in our society nowadays.
As the synthesis article on our site already briefly presented, we now return to the conference schedule and speeches, to further explain what took place there. Below you can find, beside short presentations of the participants, the full content of their articles as offered by the speakers themselves. The speeches are available as separate articles with video footage.