Soteria International attended the conference on Freedom of
Religion or Belief “The state of freedom of religion or belief in the
world” held in Brussels on the 12th of February 2014, where the European
Parliament Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief (EPWG on FoRB),
represented by MEPs Peter van Dalen (ECR) and Dennis de Jong
(GUE/NGL), presented its first annual report on freedom of religion in
the world.
The conference was hosted by the European Parliament Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief (EPWG on FoRB) in collaboration with the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and European Platform on Religious Intolerance and Discrimination (EPRID).
The European Parliament Working Group on Freedom of Religion or Belief (EPWG on FoRB), which started in December 2012, consists of MEPs open to and interested in promoting freedom of religion or belief in the EU’s external actions. The EPWG on FoRB includes a Bureau of MEPs, consisting of two Co-Presidents (Dennis de Jong and Peter van Dalen) and five other MEPs: László Surján, Gianni Pittella, Pat the Cope Gallagher, Hannu Takkula, Margrete Auken. More details are available at
The above mentioned report underlined the escalation of human rights violations around the world, specified certain specific cases, underlined the measures already implemented and suggested further ones, especially in some countries where human rights and freedom of religion are little respected. The report also aimed at promoting even more the importance of the fundamental right of religious freedom in EU foreign policy. It furthermore made recommendations for EU action in the future. At the same time expressing hope for the future and mentioning the need for solidarity in order to create a durable change for the good.
UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Dr. Heiner Bielefeldt, spoke first. He made seven points regarding the freedom of belief, its misconception and the need to overcome all violence related to its violation – also mentioning a plan of actions against hostility and conflicts which was launched in 2013 dealing with hate speech all over the world. He also underlined the need for people and authorities to commit to helping people in need.
Dennis de Jong thanked those who were involved in implementing the EU Guidelines and raised the general awareness about the ongoing violations on freedom of religion and speech across the world, where the situation can and should be changed. He also expressed his hope for the best in the future and mentioned the role of NGOs which alert authorities about problematic situations. He further invited to an extension toward an academic network related to defending the freedom of religion and to encourage national parliaments to take measures regarding the issue.
Peter van Dalen expressed his sadness for all the people who suffer from violation of their freedom of speech and religion and specified several cases that need special attention in the future, asking for the help of EU as well.
Katrina Swett, from UCERF gave a warm speech about the fundamental role of the freedom of belief in all peoples' lives and, apart from referring to the eight countries of particular concern, where abuses are currently taking place, she raised the general attention on the need of working together, as a network of shared aims promoting the freedom of belief globally.
All speakers expressed their joy of observing the large audience at the venue and the conference ended on an optimistic tone of hope and invitation to solidarity for the benefit of countries and people in need.
The very informative and well done report on freedom of religion or belief is available here.