Soteria International was present at the European Ombudsman Interactive event ”Your wish list for Europe” with President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz and European Ombudsman Emily O'Reilly moderated by editor of The European Voice Tim King.
Soteria International contributed both with a video intervention and in the hall, wishing for a Human Rights practice based in reality rather than EU policies.
Not all member states live up the the Copenhagen Criteria on the rule of law. EU policies on International Judicial Co-operation can today lead to human right violaions. The Bivolaru case was discussed in the hall by Mr Barroso. Romania abuses the European Arrest Warrant to have the refugee Mr Bivolaru handed over for six years imprisonment, even if Sweden has granted him asylum to protect him from persecution. Mr Barroso officially stated that the European Commission is increasingly taking responsibility to see that the rule of law and human rights are respected in all the member states and promised to intervene in any ”substantial case”.
The news from Mr Barroso is great and in line with the resolution last week from the European Parliament recognizing that not all member states live up to the Copenhagen Criteria. The European Parliament demands from the European Commission to create ”Copenhagen Mechanisms” to stop funds to countries that do not respect the rule of law and human rights.
The video intervention:
In the hall: